Birthday 10k

Hurrah - now aged 60, I have proved that I can run 10k in my seventh decade! Mr hazelh photographed me in action jogging along Portobello prom this morning.

My run more or less went to plan. It deviated slightly in three ways: (1) I had to pop to the loo at Jack's house en route; (2) Paddy couldn't join me for the last couple of miles because he has an injured toe from his recent ultra-marathon efforts; and (3) my national entitlement card didn't arrive in time to be used for the first time on the bus back into town after the run.

The two other main activities of the day were to finish off the prep for my birthday dinner this evening, then party with our guests. Unfortunately two couldn't make it due to illness. Without Jack and Elly, we ended up nine diners in total: myself, Mr hazelh, Mummy hazelh, Paddy, Caitlin, Jon, Véronique, Bruce, and Katharine (see the extra). The final menu comprised:

- Mozzarella, basil and tomato amuse bouches with drinks in the sitting room before taking our seats at the dining table in the kitchen.
- Salmon and spinach terrine/chicken liver pâté/hummus with toast.
- Boeuf bourguignon/bean stew with mixed roast vegetables and boiled potatoes.
- Chocolate torte/fruit salad (with Moscato d'Asti pudding wine).
- Cheese/tofu and biscuits (with Tesco Pedro Ximénez Solara sherry).

Between the pudding and cheese we played a couple of games of Empire and Werewolf. Although our number was a little low for these games, we still had good fun playing. Caitlin did well to choose Gary Lineker for Empire, and Paddy was a devious werewolf who enjoyed a successful killing spree unchallenged by any of the rest of us.

Over the course of the day I have received many kind birthday messages, as well as a couple of deliveries. It's going to take some time to get back to everyone to thank them for their good wishes (one set came in a home-made felted card) and generous birthday presents (including Pentland Aromatics products, and a pair of very comfortable black running socks).

Exercise today: 10k run.

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