A quiet day today.  The weather's been grey and showery and feeling quite cool, so I just didn't feel like doing much.

I had to contact the Dr today.  I sent an emaiil via their AskMyGP app and within half an hour I'd had a respoinse and offered an appointment for this afternoon.  Nothing to worry about, just something needed checking the Doctor could reassure me on that.  Excellent service, as always.  We are so lucky to have such a great surgery.

The new TV and DVD player has been playing up a bit, probably somethign we've done, being a Smart TV and I most certainly am not not Smart, technologically speaking anyway.  Still the person we bought it from in Barrow is going to come out tomorrow afteroon to help us sort it out.  Another excellent service, Searle Audio, as recommended by Cumbria Lass.  

That's all from me for today - do take care aend stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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