
Another grey day.  I worked from home today.  I was on call last night and knew there would be stuff to pick up early this morning, so logged on early then went for my pre-work walk, then sat down to work properly, once BB was sorted out for school and his first exam.  He was quiet and clearly nervous but headed off in good time for school and his exam which started at 9am.
Meanwhile I felt quite nervous for him, but got stuck into work and had forgotten about it, until a friend messaged me to say she was also nervous for them – so not just me.  I was in a meeting when BB returned.  He looked dreadful, but I couldn’t speak to him,  He hung around, but realised I wasn’t able to speak and he disappeared.  When my call finished, I had about thirty seconds before my next meeting, but managed a quick chat.  He said it had been ok – so I take that as a positive.  My fingers are crossed.   I made us some lunch once my meeting was done.
Later the sun made a bit of an appearance, and he disappeared for a walk with R – which will have been good for them to de-stress after their exam.  He came home and watched TV.  I worked late to finished a few things off, but  managed to feed him ahead of his football training.
TT came home and was very disappointed that I hadn’t made any tea.  I offered a pizza, he declines and rustled up a quick past sauce. 
As I hadn’t moved all day, I went out for a longer walk this evening.  Thank goodness for light evenings.  And in other news, BB’s new phone arrived.  His life can resume again!
I spotted these bluebells growing by an old dilapidated fence on my pre-work walk.

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