Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


The last couple of times I've been to the GP - purely for the purposes of registering, but this required nurse assessment, blood tests, and then GP appointment - my blood pressure has been a bit high.  This may well be a stress reaction to our lengthy removal process, but today I'm wearing a 24hr BP machine.

"Just get on with life as normal" they said.  Does normal include raking grass?  W has dug out the fancy electric rake, but we can't find the bag that collects the rakings, so that has to be done by hand.  After raking, we started mowing, but our mower went on strike because of the heat.  A job for another day.

It's been another glorious day, and the Postie reckons next week is meant to be even hotter.  W watered the trees.

I spent a satisfying couple of hours sanding and oiling dad's teak bench - is that also a "normal activity"?  It's looking better - we may not have been perfect custodians, but it's had several treatments since we inherited it, and is finally getting a more teak colour, instead of the rather dull black.

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