Paddle Boarder

Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed I tweaked my back.   It didn’t feel too bad at the time, but when I went to bed and lay down I was in agony.  I must have eventually fallen asleep, but was awake early – too early – so eventually got up – but was in real discomfort.  All very frustrating.  I pottered for a while, unable to settle, then as it started to feel like it was easing off slightly I decided to walk down into town as I needed to go to the Post office.  Walking really helped.  I had to be careful, but the discomfort was much less.
I did my errands in town and came home for some lunch.  TT had gone to beer festival at the local rugby club, so I only had to cater for two.  Again I couldn’t settle, so drove over to Dirleton and went for a walk.  I walked all the way to North Berwick and back again. It was lovely a lovely walk, but very grey and there was haar hanging around.  As I walked I totally forgot that I had been in agony this morning. 
When I got home, TT had not long returned and BB had been out and got himself a long overdue haircut.  He claims it is too short at the front – it is not.  I rustled up a baked pasta dish for tea which went down well.  Later BB was watching a movie, I sat down for about five minutes to watch it, but was in agony again.  Sitting and lying are not good.  I eventually went to bed, and must have eventually fallen asleep.
A view to the Bass Rock.  The paddle boarder appears to be towing a child.  There were lots of eider ducks around today (extra).

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