
Well, May is about to be past tensed. 

For me it has been a strange month. Highs and lows. I reckon I have dealt with the lows reasonably well. 

It has ended well, with Junior coming to the house for lunch. Then we went to the church cafe for coffee and home baking. All good. 

As with the barbers yesterday, we have given up talking about politics - too depressing - so football and ice hockey featured a lot. He played ice hockey in Rīga a few years ago, and one of his friends from ice hockey is a Latvian transplanted to Fife, so it was all topical. 

The other gossip of interest was his wee sister DJing at the Ministry of Sound in London last weekend. 

I did not get out into the sun as much as I would have liked today, but I have Blipped it from my favourite chair just to record the omission. 

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