Spires and spheres

Finally after a week of solid grey sky and cool north east winds the sun finally showed its face and we reached a heady 16C!!  The west and the north have been basking in 24-25C so it feels like we have definitely been missing out!  The foxglove has self sown itself here and looked lovely in our sunny moment this evening along with the allium and tellima which I have always loved and it seemed to get a bit of press at Chelsea this year I noticed. 
I finished my bit of painting today of the one and a bit walls in the hallway and heard that the carpet will not be laid till next wednesday.  Two weeks seems a long time to wait after thinking it would be done last week but beggars cannot be choosers and I am just grateful they will come back to finish the job they started.  
There was a pretty barn down a track near the village that was converted into a small contained dwelling about 10 years ago.. today I drove down the lane for the first time in ages and was horrified to see the site had been levelled and the foundations of a new house are being laid.  Surely an 18th century barn shouldn't be totally removed.. the planners are useless.  It had a very prominent site in the valley and was seen for miles around.. and now there will be a modern reconstruction full of plate glass and wood construction.. I don't get it!  I know I have blipped it in the past and if I can find an image I will link it here later
Here and here

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