Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Do not look if you are squeamish!

Did a few jobs in the first couple of hours today - it's definitely my most productive time. Then off to physio in Cramlington. The physio was very sympathetic about Arth and pointed out that he is going gradually more out of shape (a valgus deformity for my medical readers). She popped 7 acupuncture needles in and I then tried to produce a decent image with a 50mm lens on the camera...... my arms had trouble stretching far enough!! (NB I am not spotty just freckly!!)

The acupuncture certainly helped with the pain.

Then off the Sunderland to see E and J again. E is in a side room because of the infection in his foot. He is due to have an angioplasty tomorrow and he saw the ENT surgeon today about his pharyngeal pouch. The consultant I spoke to on Tuesday has acted very quickly. A number of things in his nursing care have improved, although the call button was firmly out of his reach.

Lots of problems remain about home care, but only one hurdle can be jumped at a time. J had no idea who I was, but enjoyed chatting.

Tomorrow is Arth's big day when he will have a steroid injection to see if it will allow me to walk in Bulgaria. Fingers crossed.

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