
By Ridgeback13


Slept much better and chatted over word games and a bacon and egg roll before setting off back down to P’s. Packed things into boxes, helped him sort out (piles of!) old papers….mostly old instruction manuals, including for things he doesn’t even still have!
T came round and helped me pack the car, set up the new mobile Wi-Fi hub for P since there’s no Wi-Fi in the home (none of the kids can believe somewhere just doesn’t have it in this day and age!). P on good form all day, definitely excited about going and laughing at the thought that there aren’t likely to be many men his age there!
About 4 o’clock we both felt very weary so headed off to K’s and I was accompanied on the drive by a lovely sunset-shame it was so early though! Winter’s on its way…
Had lasagne supper and chat about GCSE chemistry, hexagons, funerals and Halloween before T had a snooze on the sofa…he’s had a busy few days.

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