Capital adventures

By marchmont

1953 was a good year

And so was 1963. Out tonight to celebrate two birthdays but more of that later.

Started the day (with a child nose) by continuing the research on January. Later I made a booking or two. 

A side trip to Marchmont to lend the car to #3 son so he could take Alfie to the vet for his annual check up. He wasn't happy going in his box, until he came back when he went in his box no bother. 

Then I made the booking, a phone call was required, to Vienna as it happened, where a very helpful girl told me it was snowing. Cold enough for snow here. I made another booking and cancelled a couple but can't take the next steps till I get confirmation. 

That done I made a list, well 2 lists and finished taking up the dress, which means one thing ticked off the list. And then I did some relaxing sewing before it was time to get ready for the big night out.

Took ages to decide what to wear. Really must tidy the wardrobe. Then I got glammed up, even, emulating Women's Hour, wearing eye liner before over the road for my lift. 

It was Y and G's joint birthday party last night and I had a great time though talking and hearing over the very loud music was a trial. But I danced for the first time since, well since I don't know when. And the music was definitely our vintage though we left as 'I Will Survive' came on. There was food, I had the veggie chilli as there is no such thing as sausage stories, and cake. 

J brought us home just after 11 and I collapsed into bed. Throwing your arms and legs around to music is such a release. 

Today is also International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the start of 16 Days of Activism. 

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