Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Village walls

Our village walls provide a home to many different plants. This is maidenhair spleenwort. I’m not going to try to identify the accompanying lichens!

Mum is feeling the after effects of her fall more today and has needed to use the wheelchair more.

I tried to find the correct person to look at the air flow mattress on her bed. It is uncomfortable at the base of her spine.

I started with the OT service but they said it was the district nurses, who said it was the Jels service. I knew it wasn’t, so phoned the number on the bed, which was out of order. I finally contacted them via their national number. The technician was asked to call but did not arrive. (The last point is very unusual so I expect him tomorrow.)

It’s another example of where the patient, or their representative, has to do all the phoning as the buck is passed around. Mutter, mutter.

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