Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Almost too much excitement

Sorry, this commentary is a bit breathless and long, so don't feel obliged to read it!

It was a fairly quiet Monday morning, except that I had an 0800 meeting here to do with a course I'm going to run for the AONB in July. Then I started packing and had to change to a larger suitcase to accommodate the tripod. Worried I may not be able to lift it over the bridge at Hexham Station tomorrow.

This afternoon I watched "a bit" of Wimbledon - the Nadal v Darcis match. I had it on the red button. When it was in the second tie break there was a message to say I had to press the red button again to reboot. Did this - NO MATCH available to view.

Rushed downstairs to try on Mum's Sky box but she was watching Murray v Becker and did not want to change channels. I'm trying to explain why "my" match should take precedence when one of our resident greater spotted woodpeckers arrived with young in tow. He was trying to show them how to use the nut feeder.

I'm now running upstairs to grab camera and change lens. Shots taken through double glazing - arghh. This babe watched for a while then flew up to the feeding station, tried to hold on to the post and slid down like one of those little toys where the bird gradually descends.

Meanwhile, Nadal and Darcis ended their exciting tie-break. Sad for Nadal, but Darcis played very well.

Phew! That's more than enough excitement for one day.

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