
By carliewired

64 F/ 18 C

A grey morning that
may lead to some sunshine if
we are so lucky


I was off to the grocery store for their 7 AM opening. My list was very short so soon I was on my way to Tranquille. 

I stopped by the pasture land to get a panorama of Tranquille. I must have missed the round up this spring as I see very few cattle today. I suspect most of the mamas and their babies have been transported to their summer pastures. 

I drove on to the farm to turn around in the driveway. I stopped to get a shot back to the east of my mountains, then I had a look at the osprey nest. There was one osprey moving about in the nest. I took a look across the wetlands pond but there were no water fowl there.

I'm in for the day and back at the paperwork.

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