
By Winsford


We headed over to the theatre this morning for a Friends' event where we got to watch an hour of rehearsals on stage for Beautiful, one of this summers production. It was really interesting to watch and get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes. Quite a bit of stopping and starting as the Director tweaked where things were positioned and how the actors came on and off stage. It was also lovely to hear some of the songs which will be in the show. I also realised how little I actually know about the life of Carole King on whom the musical was based. Afterwards there was a Q&A with the Director (Sam Hardie) and PFT's Artistic Director (Elizabeth Newman)  with coffee and (very nice) cake as well as a chance to chat with others attending.  Great fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished production next month. 

This afternoon I completed the final stage of my winter to summer swap around as I moved my ankle boots into the porch and brought my summer lace-ups into the cloakroom. I also did a bit of re-arranging to make said shoes more accessible. 

Today's blip of of the blossom of one of our two apples trees has nothing to do with any of that but it is rather beautiful too. 

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