Layer (Not Photoshop)

Isn’t it wonderful when employment opportunities open up when you least expect.
It has been a really tough day with The Boss getting another of THOSE phone calls this morning and the arrival of G with his gear slightly later. The Boss had to empty out The Bossess (well mostly The Bossess) walk in wardrobe and move the bedroom into the bathroom , so he could move it all back later after he had moved the lounge into the dining room and moved that back later as well. Meanwhile G was demonstrating his skills by walking up the stairs with the bedroom carpet on his back. He also spends time at the Gym I understand.
I spent most of the day tied to a dining room table leg and it was here while watching proceedings between naps and between gaps in the furniture that had been carefully stacked around me, that I realised my uptapped ability and decided to take action.
I could be a carpet layer. AND as soon as G has got it all on the floor I will lay on it.
There was a lot put down today so I will have my work cut out and may be tardy at comments but THE JOB WILL GET DONE. AND G has even made some space in his van so I can accept outside contracts.

Gotta Go…Can’t just lay about you kno….Errr…Hang on a bit isn’t that what I do now??

Press L for layer

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