Journey Through Time

By Sue

Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans)

First: Happy Anniversary to My Sweet Baboo. He's been taking good care of me for 43 years and we've had a lot of fun together. Love ya, Babe! A year ago we were on our beach trip. That image from last year is so pretty...if I do say so myself.

Second: EDIT This is a Black Phoebe. It's probably already in the blip big year, but I'll check. NO, IT'S NOT IN THERE! YAY! The map of the range of this bird indicated that it didn't go this far north, so I didn't think it was this bird. But, it is. I checked on the Ridgefield Refuge site, and there it was.. So, Black Phoebe, you are now world famous. These are a member of the flycatchers family.

Third: We went to Ridgefield Refuge and we saw this bird, and Savannah Sparrows and what I think is the the Red-Breasted Sapsucker. We saw it but where it was at was terribly hard to get a good photo. We got fairly close to an egret which was so lovely to see.

Fourth: We also went up to Woodland, WA and went to the Cedar Creek Grist Mill. I took the tripod, for a change, and was able to get the water in the creek all smooth by taking a brief timed exposure. Yay me. I know it's supposed to be an over used effect...but I've never over used it, (heck, I've never ever used it!) so I get a pass.

Fifth: Better photos can be seen on Flickr. I'm happy to have you look.

Okay.. see ya later, kids.

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