Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The light draws us in like moths to a candle

After the Photo Club tonight I realised I need bananas for tomorrow's packed lunch, but the walk starts away from civilisation. So I called at Hexham's Tesco's. I wasn't the only one either. I thought they were doing good business for 9.30pm on a Tuesday evening.

So, bananas, lettuce, celery, yoghurt, envelopes, light bulbs, blueberries, bread buns and ham............ nearly £3o exchanged hands. How did that happen?

I spent the day preparing an AV presentation that had to be handed in tonight. Just the homework to do for Thursday now. The calendar has been signed off for printing. Another walk is fully booked. There are always calls to answer and last minute preparations to make in the run up to every festival. Not long now though.

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