Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Monday. Our day to pick up the girls from school. Today we went to the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) in it’s new beautifully restored building at the south end of Lake Union next to the Wooden boat center. (It's in the middle of this photo of the south end of the lake.) There are a lot of exhibits about industrial innovation in Seattle and ideas and as always lots of running around. This artwork in on the outside of the building.... Then home for “homework” (real for Tatum, and made up by Fiona who wants her own “homework” - she painted in a composition book..), pizza for dinner, books, and a game. Perfect afternoon - Only one mishap -Fiona managed to spill a bowl of sugar from the tea set on the carpet which caused a most annoyed Boppa get out the vacuum. (the Hoover to the Brits!) He’s taking them home right now....seems like a long day.....

A few more on Flickr

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