That put a smile on my face!!

I've just had my washing machine delivered by two of the nicest guys.

"I hope you can get it through the door into the kitchen."
"Don't worry I can squeeze in anywhere."

The old one was whipped out.

"The new one might be slightly bigger."
"It will be a tight fit...I hope it goes in."
"We're only talking millimetres, but extra millimetres can make all the difference."

I gave the floor a quick mop...which apparently is what all the 'ladies' do. Then everything was plugged in and I was ready to go.

"I see you like witches," said Steve as he looked around my room.
"I love them, yes."

At this point he took off his fluorescent jacket and then stripped off his top.

"How do you like this one?"
"Ha ha ha it's brilliant.".........phew!
"It's my regiment number, I was in the Royal Engineers."
"Can I take a photo?"....(We'd already discussed blip)
"Of course." ....He then posed provocatively.
"Of your tattoo....ha ha ha."

He proudly proffered his arm and my blip was sorted for the day.

"Happy washing, see ya love."
"Thanks guys, bye."
"We like to leave the ladies with a big smile on their faces

This last remark was said loudly as they walked out of my front door....ha ha ha ha.

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