with the pram earlier, many times in fact. In the pram a little dog, a chihuahua I think. On the lead she holds two other little dogs, of the same kind.
From far I had imagined that I would like to take a picture of the picturesque scene, some time.
Today when I had fed the swans and walked on the footpath she came around the corner. She held at the place where the felled tree lay and studied the pieces.
I took a picture and asked at the same time if it was allowed. I think it was.
And she spoke some words about the tree.
I talked to the little dog in the pram, she lay under a pink blanket and I noticed that she had her hair painted, the dog. This one is very old, she said, that's why I carry her this way.
The two other dogs were painted in even more surprising colours. The tails, the ears, the legs. I did not know what to think of it. Pity with her darlings?
When I showed Mischa the pictures I had taken she helped to choose by indicating that the most colourful ones did hurt her and I can easily see why.
Were the dogs that once were used in the circus to perform painted like that? That could be the case, indeed.
In the afternoon we walked along the beach, Mischa and I, and we saw the awful heaps of shells, dead starfishes and mussels lie on the sand, the smell was dreadfull. It must have been the storm that had put this on the beach. Mischa's picture here.
Above the waves hundreds of gulls sailed and dived, they preferred obviously the fresh food.
Piet Hein made the sauerkraut meal.
It could be that I will catch up with all of you tomorrow.

My haiku:

My pets are my dear
Ones I cherish them all day
Walk them and love them

And the proverb:

Alle blaffende honden bijten niet.

Translation: Dogs that bark don't bite.

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