Mum's Lemon Meringue Pie

There is a surreal quality to my life. It's hard to explain, it just is what it is.

Jennie and I had a quick sort of a few things this morning. Dad and Stephen focused on sorting out Dad's new smart phone. Amongst all of that were various other practical matters that need attending to and dealing with - talking to the hospice, sorting the mountain of cards, phone calls etc.

We've hatched a plan to create a cook book of our favourite Mum recipes. Yes, that will be my project. One of our favourites was her lemon meringue pie. It was a cracker and any other version in a restaurant has always been a bitter disappointment. They're a labour of love and made in stages. First the short crust pie shell to make, then the lemon filling and finally the meringue on top. I've blipped the one I've made over that past few days for tonight's family dinner. Not as good as Mum's pies but still very good.

Today was also the day we welcomed Mum's ashes home. Somehow the job of collecting them from the undertaker fell to me. I'd have to say it was one of the most surprising and surreal moments of my life. Once I got back in the car I felt at a complete loss. I just sat there and stared at the package on the co-pilot seat. The best solution seemed to be to talk to Mum and weep during the short journey back to Dad's place. We detoured past Stephen and Judith's place with a toot and a wave. Tonight we've had a little ceremony to acknowledge Mum's ashes are home.

To make my day even more surreal, the undertaker accidentally sent me a text meant for his girl friend! Blimey, I could have got lucky ;-) But he phoned to apologise before I'd opened the text and I deleted it without reading and with no harm (except to his embarrassment levels ;-)

I'm exhausted but up to date with blip. Yesterday's don't try this at home if you're interested.

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