New Feeder in Action

The 7 foot snowy ladder I posted 2 days ago is now transformed into a new feeder. A path has been shoveled to it, and when you get have to climb up 3 steps of the ladder to set the food down.

It's at a nice height for me to be able to shoot from an upstairs window. I can even sit on the end of the bed and shoot. The vantage point is probably 20-25 feet away from the dining birds.

Obviously...this isn't a REAL picture. I wouldn't let Merrick run around in his underwear when the temperature is -2F. The only bird in the original picture was the landing jay on the far left. The other 4, along with Merrick...were from other pictures I took today. Merrick was jumping from the arm of his couch into another chair...3-4 feet away. The boy is fearless. I watched him for a few hours while his mother went out for lunch. (She didn't heed the MANY warnings to stay off the roads.)

We have one more day of frigid temps, then a slow warm up. 13F tomorrow...23F on Thursday. Sick of it.

I hope the woodpeckers discover the new block of suet.

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