so many blippers, so little time

Apologies to anyone at the mosqueblunch (who were, in alphabetical order) at whom I made no attempt to speak, especially if I didn't even get round to nodding vaguely in your direction when you arrived. Nice to meet and speak to people I did meet and speak to. I was worried that an inconvenient meeting in not-my-home-building finishing at twelve would cause me to have to arrive later than average (after taking all my normal clothes and trainers down to the other office and changing into them after the meeting to swiften and prevent discomfort on the walk up the hill to the mosque) though I was the second to arrive after LadyF. I went for falafels instead of seekh kebabs on the grounds that they'd be less energy-dense but their mere physical density and unpleasantness (they broke my plastic fork trying to break them into chunks) means I shall avoid them in the future and stick to competently-made falafels from reliable sources such as Palmyra, Metropole and the Filmhouse café.

In the morning on the regular sweep of all the radiator-valves to check for ongoing stability I'd noticed a teeny little mark on one of the leak-detectors (bits of bogroll) placed on the towels beneath the valves this morning, eventually chased to the bit where the inlet-valve couples with the radiator which must have been slightly loosened when tightening the other end of the coupling to the valve on the end of the influx-pipe. The only real problem (the amount escaping is less than a millilitre a week and doesn't seem to be affected by expansion and contraction of radiator and valve) is that because the loosening was inadvertent and indirect I don't have a spanner which can get at the necessary bits, my adjustable wrenches being too thick, my bicycle pedal-spanner being too wee and nothing else I can find being the right size. It was too late to get to anywhere except Homebase by the time I'd exhausted all possibilities at home and the only things they had in their shite selection of badly-made shite tools were just the wrong size in both directions, though they'd shut by the time I'd returned, carefully opened the packaging and tested the tool. Hopefully it'll be returnable despite the packaging already bearing the marks of having been opened and tested even before I'd pried open one of the staples.

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