A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A murky morning walk!

A very murky morning for our Thursday St. Ives circuit.

This is the path that dissects the golf course down past the first green and the club house. Not sure if this fog is the pollution they are talking about coming from the continent with dust from the Sahara, but you could taste it!

Toby is looking very unsure as he emerges from the mist as three of us are ahead of him but the others seem to be returning into the gloom. Buster (S's chocolate Lab) had lost his ball! Not to be found I'm afraid.

It didn't get any brighter but at least it didn't rain,which it is doing now!

Posting early as I am off to get the train to Leeds for lunch and a matinee performance of Pygmallian at the Grand. Then this evening we are rehearsing Noah's Ark. Busy, busy.

Thank you all for your very kind comments and stars on my 4th blip birthday, wonderful to 'know' you all. Particular thanks to Rainie for reminding me that I have only 40 days to come up with something else for my 1500th!! Stress!

Thanks again lovely blip people x

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