Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Mum's calico garden

Today was the Regional Day for the North East Embroiderers' Guild and Mum felt well enough to go. She had a lift to Gateshead and then lots of people helped her negotiate the space with her walker.

She produced this new piece of work for a competition today. It is a calico garden, so called because it is embroidered on a piece of calico and various stitches are used to represent the flowers, paths, stones, etc in a garden. It's a lovely piece of work.

It turned out to be hard to photograph. I've had to increase the contrast so that you can distinguish the different stitches. This is no problem with the naked eye, but the camera struggled, not helped by the fact it was late and I had to use flash.

Today I cleaned, gardened, prepared slide show, prepared meal, put meal on table for 5, showed slides, washed up and now I'm ready for bed. We looked at pictures of Rajasthan which I enjoyed enormously because it took me back and reminded me how much I loved being there.

Trapped pheasant in cage this morning, but it found a way out and flew off in high dudgeon, hopefully never to return. It has been attacking people and it has a strong beak and claws.

PS Slept through alarm and woke to late for sunrise shoot today.

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