
I played ball with Jassy when I got home from this afternoon. She was quite puffed after 10 minutes of running around the garden. Not surprising. The heat and humidity here is stifling. Not as bad a Melbourne last night though. 30.6 degrees overnight. That is hot! Luckily for them the hot temps are not constant throughout summer, unlike here.

This summer has been a hot one so far. It began early December and hasn't let up. Our electricity bill is going to be through the roof with my use of the air conditioner.

There is an up and a downside to the heat. Mango trees are common in Brisbane suburbs. The heat has caused a bumper crop this year. I heard that on the news. Must be a slow news day. I have noticed a lot of rotting mangos lying around though. And a lot of bats must be having trouble flying because mangos are their favourite food.

Well, I suppose I had better take Jassy for a walk.

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