Snuggle Bunny

Thursday.......we stayed home. Sugar spent quite a bit of time in her room cleaning, and playing with things she hasn't noticed in awhile. I spent some time with The Hubby after he got home from a root canal. He had a broken tooth back in January....and they put a crown on it. It didn't fix it. So he had the further work done on it. He had planned on going out Shrimping later in the day, but he decided not to go.

Sugar wanted to spend lots of time with Tubby bunny, as she knew she was going to my parent's house for the weekend, and would miss this sweet little bunny so much. Here she is giving some goodbye snuggles.

In the afternoon, I took Sugar to her dance classes. While she danced I visited the library and did some reading in my truck. After dance, I took both Sugar and her cousin S to meet my mom half way between her house and mine.

I grabbed some food on the way home, and had a nice quiet evening with The Hubby.

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