Life on the Edge

Hello again, Blipfriends! Nice to be back, but I didn't think it was going to take quite so long when I signed out on Monday 23rd.

Instead of feeling better, I got steadily worse and by Thursday I was back in hospital being diagnosed with an infection and an irritated stomach. Not surprising then that I was in such pain and being sick:-(

However, now pumped full of antibiotics and with pills and potions and painkillers galore, I feel I have finally turned the corner and am starting to feel well again. Some lingering pain, but that will ease, I'm sure, as the days pass.

I was able to venture down the garden today to see what's been happening in my absence and rather liked this heron's view of the pond and the blue ducks in the wildlife garden. My husband has done well to keep it all in check with me and the weather to contend with too!

I've been looking back at some of your journals, but there's no way I'll be able to catch up with you all, so I'll have to start afresh from today. Sorry!

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