Cool and Green ...........

............ and rainy.
(with apologies to John Denver )

Still raining when I got up at six this morning but now it is clearing a little and the sun is trying to come out.

This is the (very useful for blip) passion flower plant growing over our fence at the side of the house ..... not only does it have beautiful flowers but the stems, leaves and "twirly bits" are lovely too.

Cobweb Strands .....

Thank you soooooooooooo much for all the comments, stars and huge number of hearts lavished upon Shadow yesterday (we scraped onto the second spotlight page for a short time - been a long time since that happened .... the algorithm is even stranger now than it used to be - lol) .......

Looking out the window now (10.15) there is some blue in the sky - yay!!!!

~ Anni ~

Groan of the Day

Dave arrives at his hotel in the Scottish Highlands on a cold, grey, drizzly day.
The weather remains the same for two weeks.
Exasperated, Dave stops the only person he sees in the village square - a small boy.
" Does the weather here ever change " he asks the boy.
" I don't know " the boy replies " I'm only seven "


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