Lurking...... my roses!
I was mooching round my front garden this morning in the lovely warm October sunshine when I saw the little shield bug I had seen and not managed to capture last week.......Determined not to loose it again I ripped through the redundant spider's web that was in the way and managed to catch it in a little pot!
It was then that I realised the spider's web wasn't redundant at all and it's owner was staring at me from the last 2 remaining rosebuds on my rosebush!
I felt so bad! if I could have spun her a new home I would have!
She was huge!!, so I am guessing not long now till she spins an egg sac and lays her eggs... more lovely spiders for my garden next year!
The Garden or Cross spider Araneus diadematus, is found commonly throughout the UK from June to October when the females which can reach 13mm in size reaches maturity.
The abdominal colouration is quite variable, from dark chocolate brown through bright orange to yellow, and this particular one was a lovely sandy, peachy colour. At least 5 of the dots on the abdomen are usually fused to make a 'cross' marking, which gives the spider it's common name.

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