A Korean Buddha

My third day out in Houston and today I met up with my good friend Calista, whom I know from the museum activities in Singapore. A cultural day today, first we went to Bayou Bend, the former home and gardens of Houston civic leader and philanthropist Ima Hogg (1882–1975) and her collection of American furnishings, silver, ceramics, and paintings. A beautiful place! After which I had my first taste of Texas barbecue (a spicy pork sandwich) at GoodeCo's . And then we went to the Museum of Fine Arts Houston itself and saw most of the Asian Collections. There's a Monet exhibition going on, but also a special exhibition of Korean art.
Here's Calista capturing this really large and beautiful banner depicting Buddha and 4 boddhisatvas, the Vairocana Assembly, a banner painting, colours on hemp, painted in 1750 in Korea, it is so interesting, you do wonder how it's made, but also neither of us had ever seen a Buddha with a moustache before. Another wonderful day, we did manage to avoid most of the showers. Oh, and this morning for breakfast I tried 'biscuits with gravy' , thinking one should try everything at last once.

Thanks again for your comments, even when I'm so absent myself !

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