Painting in Progress

Someone much younger
than myself will soon have it
all in hand this week

~ carliewired

While I was at the church with my quilting ladies, a painter arrived at the house to begin work on the bathroom. I decided I'm not going to peel the wallpaper and repaint. I will give that distinct pleasure to someone else. She's painted in this house before. She does a fine job and she's much more experienced and capable at the job than I am.

Before I got home, she had knocked down my new hummingbird feeder along the edge of the awning. It was the first thing I noticed when I returned home for lunch. Never mind. I can buy another one.

She has the wallpaper stripped and all the prep done for the fellow coming to do 'texture' tomorrow. Then she will be back on Wednesday with paint!

So, the toilet sits under the awning. It will mean trips to the RV as necessary until the painting is done on Wednesday. Hopefully, all will be back together and in working order by the end of Wednesday! Fingers crossed. (not legs!)

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