Mono Monday: Season

In California, the winter season usually means rain, although it's been scarce in the past two years. Today I celebrate winter with a picture of the rain clouds taken from my kitchen window this morning.

December 1st, when the fast approaching holiday season suddenly becomes more pressing, seemed to bring with it little crises and complications everywhere I went this morning. A woman wrenched her knee in a Zumba class while I was doing Pilates. She was crying into her cellphone while the receptionist fetched ice and then, the woman's car. I offered to help get her into her car and assured the receptionist that I didn't think her responsibility for getting the woman to the hospital extended beyond offering to call an ambulance.

In the bookstore a woman tried to return a book which they said they had never carried, and another woman wanted them to have ten books on hand by someone who was going to be preaching at her church at some future date. In each case, finding the correct person to explain things to them in a sympathetic way averted impending crises.

The shoe store, was crowded with people taking advantage of a 25% discount on everything in the store , and a continuous loop of pop Christmas songs was playing.I got two pairs of winter shoes and got out of there before I lost it. There is no worse ear worm* than a terrible Christmas song.

Back at home, the printer jammed as I tried to print photos for holiday cards, which I am determined to send out this year before distant friends wonder if we have died, or fallen off the edge of the earth. OilMan is struggling with his lists and numbers…the usual futile attempt to make a budget for the coming year. 'Tis the season…still waiting for the "comfort and joy" part….

We are being promised "heavy rain, at times", but despite the beautiful clouds, it has yet to materialize.

*An ear worm is a song you can't get out of your head no matter how much you hate it.

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