Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cheek by jowl

I met up with some mums from Thomas' prep school for coffee this morning, leaving the plumber at home trying to find out from which upstairs shower the leak was coming from, which has ruined our sitting room ceiling below. The coffee was good and when I got home he had found the leak and fixed it but in the new year we are going to undergo the horrible mess of renovating bathrooms, and of course fixing that sitting room ceiling. I am not looking forward to that!

Luke is coming home tonight! I am very excited, although we have Adam and Thomas' Christmas concert tonight so will only see Luke when we get home, as he is due to arrive before the concert finishes. I have prepared him dinner and baked a banana loaf which he enjoys. The Christmas concert is usually very entertaining with various ensembles and bands playing. Thomas is singing in the junior vocal group, and is playing trumpet in the senior jazz band where apparently he has a bit of a solo.

I noticed these mushrooms on my dog walk today - they were glistening in the damp and had that (horrible) earthy, fungal smell. I thought they looked like little roof tops all jammed side by side, but whatever you think they look like they make quite a nice pattern.

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