
Uncle D bought this snowglobe for Miss E a few years ago. It's one of my favourite things to get out every year and it made me really happy to see Miss E grab it out of the box the other day and shriek "My snowglobe! My beautiful snowglobe from Uncle D!!!"
Getting it all out is definitely one of my favourite things to do in the whole year!
Mrs L and Cousin T came round first thing which was nice. A few cups of tea and lots of chat.
And an inordinate amount of time spent trying to sort travel insurance. When did that get so complicated?!!
I went to my school for reading in the afternoon and was a bit miffed to find out it was their Christmas production today and no one had bothered to let me know. I had one child for fifteen minutes and that was that. Home again within half an hour. Annoyed!
But at least I got a bit more wrapping done!!
Then it was to Fat Club. Where I was pleased to discover I had lost half a pound which got me to my target with a total weight loss of THREE stone!!! Woohooo!!!
Go me!!!!!

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