Today is a new day - it is a beautiful sunny morning with a waning crescent moon in a wonderful blue sky.

I stood at the open bedroom window and watched at least four planes with vapour trails lit by the sun, going across the sky and got very cold in the process, but it was worth it.

Last night I was looking for a “new” Christmas song and found this - Joseph's Song, sung by Michael Card - and a line in it really struck me:

“Father, show me how I fit into this plan of yours.”

Christmas is a time when we think about those we love who are close to us and those who are far away, in more ways than one - and for those we love but who are no longer with us, which reminded me that my father’s name was Joseph.

Always remember
we are under the same sky,
looking at the same moon.

Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday. You may also be pleased to know that my friend, Caroline, has now had the brace removed from her arm and starts physiotherapy on Friday.

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