
This isn't how St Patrick's Day is supposed to be!

No cardiac rehab today because of the national holiday, but still I was up early and wasted no time getting stuck in. I took a break at lunchtime with the full intention of going in to town, wandering around, and soaking up some Festival atmosphere. Somehow, that didn't happen, and I ended up taking a nap instead, which meant that the closest I came to celebrating Patrick was a night-time local walk with the camera, hoping against hope that a blip would jump out at me. Naturally, when you're looking for something it never seems to be there, and the best I found was a bit of window decoration at a nearby pub. At least it had shamrocks in it.

Work finished around 10.00 pm, and I had an earlyish night after a bit of listening to music. At least I ended the day with only one 2-page spread of the magazine left to do in the morning, and still on track to get the job to the printer on Friday as scheduled.

Next year, St Patrick. I promise you won't be forgotten next year.

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