Last Sho' for the Mo'

Last one of these. Promise.

Today is the final day of for all of us Mo' Bros and Mo' Sisters participating in fundraising for Movember. Tomorrow (or just after midnight tonight!) all this wiry ginger and white scratchy facial hair will be gone. And all will be well with the world once more. Thanks to the generous blippers on here who took the time out to visit and donate to the cause, it's really much appreciated and another sign of what's great about this community. Cheers, you've helped us push on to near £1000 raised by our team which we're mightily chuffed about.

Another day snowed-in at home, or more accurately snowed-out of work. Again, lots of monitoring websites, facebook and twitter waiting to see what was happening tomorrow. There were yelps of delight from the younger members of the Delph Wynd Daily household as the Council tweeted that all schools were remaining closed tomorrow, followed shortly afterwards by a collective disappointed sigh as we heard the news we'd be back working. Ah well, cork back in the bottle of wine and on with the heavy gear to try and dig out some form of transportation for the morning.

(I didn't get out and about on any roads today so any Central Belt drivers any tips for driving out in that tomorrow?)

One Mo Bro signing off now, maybe see you back here next Movember (any blippers out there fancy a blipfoto mo' team next year?)

Brian Borat Yosser Souness Mercury Village People Smith.

PS: Sorry Wendles, didn't quite manage the 'Go Compare' type growth, but maybe next year ;-)

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