Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Party excitement mounts further

Only one day to the party (or as Molly the Collie would say "only one more sleep"). I took Mum to the hairdresser's. She still can't drive after bruising her left leg very badly last weekend. It's important for her to look her best tomorrow. After all we are celebrating the fact that she gave birth to me (nearly) 60 years ago.

I'm one of the lucky ones who still has a mother at 60 (she is 90) and one who is doing very well, apart from the occasional unforeseen injury.

I wandered around Hexham with my camera while I was waiting, but nothing was as good as this photo captured at the shop where she was waiting for her lift home.

We still have a few things to do before tomorrow, but in 24 hours the party will nearly be over.

Watch this space!

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