Update on the itchies??!!

For those of you who read our Blips regularly, you will know that on 17th September I went to the vets because I just couldn’t stop scratching.  The vet gave me a short course of a new drug called ‘Apoquel’, which worked immediately but when I stopped taking it I started scratching again.  So I had to go back to the vets and I got a two week supply.  I’ve had to take two tablets a day, twice a day.  They’re weeny, teeny very expensive tablets and Ann mixes them in with my breakfast & dinner so most of the time I don’t even realise I’m taking them.

Today I had to go back to the vet to get a new supply.  Now I only have to take two a day at breakfast time.  Thank goodness Ann has pet insurance for me because they cost a fortune!  And I’m hoping I can cut down to one a day & then none at all.

Sooooo.................. for my afternoon walk Ann said, ‘Molly, we might as well walk around 'Copperhouse Pool', then we can pop into the vets and pick up your new tablets.’

Walking around Copperhouse Pool is not really very exciting for an energetic little collie like me because I had to stay on my lead for most of the time.  There’s always loads of twitchers around looking for rare birds?!

Ann let me off my lead so that I could pose for this Blip.  And do you know what I did?............  I was ever so naughty...........  I posed beautifully (with Copperhouse Pool in the background) and then I zoomed down to the estuary and had a good old wallow in the muddy water.

Ann went absolutely ballistic at me.  She said, ‘Molly, even though the vet doesn’t need to see you today we still have to go and get your tablets.  I cannot take you into the vets looking like that.  I’m going to have to tie you up outside.’ 

Sometimes I think Ann goes a bit OTT??......................  When we were walking along the road to the vets, we passed a little person with her mummy.  And do you know what the little person said?.....................  She said, ‘Mummy, please can I have a sheep dog.  That’s the nicest dog I’ve ever seen.’  Yes this really is true!  Ann dragged me away before we could hear the mummy’s reply.  But Ann said it wouldn’t be complimentary?!

Anyway Ann is £50.70 poorer.  Thank goodness for pet insurance.  But all my itchies aren’t itching anymore.

.............And apparently my health & well being is the most important thing in the world.

The first few months of my life were absolutely horrible.......... 

I’m such a ‘pampered pooch’ now.  Yay!!!



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