Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Happy New Year

What has Blip meant to me?  Where do I start?  

In a certain song's words....."Let's start at the very beginning".  I joined blip to complete a 365 project, pure and simple.  The discipline to 'see' an image every day and do something about it.  I'm sure for those who have no pre-knowledge of Blipfoto that is how we start.  I remember completing a month and seeing it as a great achievement.  But things were changing, I commented on the enjoyment I was getting from viewing other blippers images.

I continued and in March had my first Blipmeet even though I didn't recognise it at the time.  I carried on reaching 100 Blips in April.  By now I was beginning to 'get it'.  It wasn't just the photography but the "pleasure of getting to know [you all] a little through this medium of Blipfoto. Your photographs, your commentaries, your comments, stars and faves make this an incredibly enjoyable experience".

I carried on becoming more and more hooked by the Blipfoto experience. I was challenging myself to produce better and better images and was rewarded later in the year with this image, which was selected for commendation in the Landscape Photographer of the Year. I had met another local Blipper, Jillymint, who despite a terrible illness was so positive in her mental attitude.  Sadly she died last year but we were able to help her children capture her journal to remember her by.

By 300 Blips the 'C' word came out, no not that one, 'Community'!  That wonderful sense of belonging to something special.  Then the end of the year. Completion? No it couldn't be. I recognised the contribution of you all "I hadn't realised that it would be the social interaction that sets this experience apart from other photo sharing sites".  I didn't promise to carry on, but just saw what would happen.

Year two was a breeze, as I reflected on my 730 Blip.  Well, it wasn't, as any of you that have been here will realise.  It has its ups and downs, but I had coping strategies by now, the E.B. (emergency blip) came to my rescue on a number of occasions.

Year three included some fantastic experiences.  A once in a lifetime trip to Yosemite National Park, more organised blip meets and a chance win that took me to The Arctic Circle, courtesy of the link up between Blipfoto and Velux's Lovers of Light competition.  The year ended with massive change on Blipfoto, which I recorded in my 1095 Blip.  Little did we know what was coming.

So, up to the present day and I've just completed 4 years on Blipfoto. What about the future?  Well It's in our hands and that is what today is about for many of us on here, the ability to explain what makes Blipfoto special to us, why it is worth saving, making sure as many people as possible have been reached to maximise our chances of success.

If you haven't already pledged, or if you want to increase your pledge, please visit the Blipfuture crowd funding site.  Thank you for all for your efforts too date, it makes all of the hard work worthwhile.

Finally Happy New Year to you all and my wish is very simple.  I hope to be able to be able to do the same thing on here next year.

Nb. the words are made up from my images in 2015.

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