Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

An icy day at Hareshaw Burn

It was sunny and cold this morning. Our drive was very icy after low temperatures overnight. I was keen to to go north and pay a return visit to Hareshaw Burn, but had to wait until the "expert" boilerman came to look at our new boiler and check it out.

I was up early, but he did not appear. I kicked myself for not taking his 'phone number. My mobile is not reliable at home, so I had told the firm to use the landline. However, he had sent a text at 1030 and I didn't see it until 1130. The new parts for the boiler (yes, that's the new boiler) had arrived yesterday but needed to be signed for and he had been out. That's enough of the saga. I thought he could have told me last night or earlier this morning, so I was grumpy about having to stay at home.

I did go to Bellingham and I did some more work at the same little cascades from the other day. It was very cold and my neoprene wellies were brilliant. They hardly slipped on the footpath and I could plodge around in the stream with my tripod.

My eye was caught by icicles around small branches. These were lying in the stream.

I did my food shop in Bellingham Co-op (but didn't have the bag with me, Cynthia, sorry).

I arrived home just before the cheerful boilerman with his box of new parts. He was all done in less than 30 minutes. Amazing.

Then Julie came for dinner. That cheered Mum, who could not go to the Embroiderers' Guild today because of the snow and ice.

We are  heading for an early night.

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