
Thankfully it wasn’t as hot today as it has been.   TT dropped BB  at football, then realised he couldn’t stay to watch as he was meant to be doing a reading at church.  He had to slip out of church early to get back in time to pick BB up.  Meanwhile I went out for a short run, and ended up doing six miles.

We all had an early lunch as we had to get BB and his cello to St Mary’s Parish Church for an orchestra rehearsal ahead of the opening service of our local town festival.  Like last year, it was a very nice event, and the orchestra were wonderful, playing Ode to Joy, the Skye Boat Song and Let’s Rock.

It was a lovely afternoon, so after a supermarket shop I walked home in the sunshine.  Friends who are spending the week in the Borders popped in for a flying visit later in the afternoon.  They had been watching their son run the Edinburgh marathon.  It was lovely to see them and their two lovely dogs.

We then had our first barbeque of the year.  TT was on a roll with the cooking, so we will be eating leftovers for days!

Here is the orchestra at their rehearsal.  BB is in there somewhere, towards the back.

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