
I left early to get the bus to work.  It was a dreich morning - cold, grey and damp.  It was good to get into the office early as I had loads to do.  However, the office was freezing – really cold.  Even people who don’t normally feel the cold were complaining about the low temperature.  I think a number of complaints must have been lodged, as although we had been told the heating would not be turned on until next week,  just after lunchtime the radiator next to my desk radiated a little bit of warmth.  Hurrah – it’s amazing how a little bit of heat took the chill off the office.  I hope it is on tomorrow.

It was still cold, grey and damp when I left the office tonight.  I met TT at the station and we travelled home together.  We stopped off at home for five minutes so I could put on some warmer clothes and then headed into town to pick BB up from badminton.

We went straight from badminton to an open evening at our local secondary school for p7 children and their parents.  BB was very excited.  We firstly heard from the new Head Teacher, then we were split into small groups and taken round the school by senior pupils.  Our first stop was music, where a lovely teacher told us all about the first year course and BB told her than he played the cello, and she explained how that would continue at High School.  Next stop was maths, then English, then modern studies.  BB’s favourite was science – and was straight into doing a couple of experiments, while I had a chat with a very nice chemistry teacher.  Our last stop was RMPS.  We then headed back to the hall where BB compared notes with a friend as they had visited different classes.  Before we left we heard a bit more about transition over the coming year.  As we walked back to the car, BB was on a high.  He loved it, loved the science, loved the teachers and can’t wait for his transition days, where they spend a couple of days at the  High School, next June! I hope he is still as keen then!

No blip opportunities today.  Here is my lovely blue flower in a state of decay.

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