Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

One representing many

We had a day of appointments. This morning we drove to Cramlington for Mum's physio appointment with the excellent Heidi. She has come up with some exercises for Mum to do to prevent her head from falling forwards further than it has done already. She is the first person to listen and take the problem seriously.

I left Mum in the car while I did a quick food shop in Sainsbury's. We now have vegetables to feed an army.

We drove to Sunderland for the next phase in my dental implant. Regular readers will know that I wish I had not started on this path, but hope it will be worth it in the end. Today the end of the screw in my jaw was replaced with a different end piece. The new tooth will attach to this. I  had to have a stitch so have to go back next week to have it removed, sigh. (The dentist started by saying that he didn't usually need to use stitches and the gum heals better without. Good job I don't worry.)

Back home to paracetamol, an ice pack and a sleep. Very therapeutic. Had to miss Photo Club tonight.

We have buckets of apples around the house, waiting to be processed. There are more than we can use, but no one else seems to want any. This one represents the hundreds!

Mum has a croaky voice and is taking Beechams.

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