Pink Robe √
Pink Nightdress √
Pink (old) Slippers √
Pink Ribbon         √
Pink Exfoliating Body Puff √
Pink Exfoliating Gloves √
Pink BCAM Ribbons x 2 √
Pink BCAM Badge √
Pink Disney Shower Cap √
Pink Passion Peel-off Mask √
Pink Lipstick         √
Pink Knickers         x
Pink Tripod                 x
Pink Camera         x
Pink Sunglasses         x
Pink Frame        √

The things I do to get a Blip!!  Mr. HCB did not feel able was adamant he did not want to dress up in pink, which I thought was a great shame, as it would have made an even sillier Silly Saturday Blip - but there’s dedication and as he says, there is also foolishness and raving insanity - he says living with me is bad enough, but that was a step too far!  

However, I did take this photograph myself - and it was great fun.  There is even a hint of pink in the Parker Knoll chair, that belonged to Mr. HCB's mother who died 21 years ago.

Good job we weren’t going out for coffee this morning, as it took a long time to apply the face mask and then take it off - not sure it’s done any good, but as we are going to a party this afternoon, thought I should make an effort to make my face look good - it's not as pink as it said on the packet though!

Please continue to click on this link so that those who cannot afford to pay may have a free mammogram - and thank you to all those who have clicked during Pinktober.

“Having cancer does make you
     try to be better
          at everything you do
               and enjoy every moment.
It changes you forever - 
     but it can be a 
          POSITIVE change.”
Jaclyn Smith

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