Eleventh Day of Christmas

On the eleventh day of Christmas 
I looked around to see
Eleven+ white balloons
Ten lads - a - leaping
Nine school guitars
Eight making merry
Seve(n)ral friends to see the year in
Six veggie sushi, 
Five gold beers
four choral songs
three saxes  
(and some extras)
Two black crows
but no Asda Christmas pudding luxury 
(cos I ate it Monday)

Walked around with phone in hand looking for eleven somethings during this busy day that finished with a full staff meeting, and then ended at Bizim Tepe with the usual suspects, pretending it was Tuesday. Apparently there are no naturally occurring groups of eleven of anything. At least not in my location.  There was however, a large bunch of New Year's white balloons in the teachers' lounge which I thought had potential for Abstract Thursday and I think I cropped the image to reveal more or less eleven of them. Not sure. I get a different number every time I count.  Clearly a less than eventful or memorable day - but that's ok.  Too much excitement can be bad for you. 

After thought: should have taken a picture of the school's football team!

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