
On 31st August I hunted for a tea cosy in the charity shops. I didn't find one, but I did discover, and purchase, a lovely hazelh cosy. At the time it almost seemed impossible to imagine that it would ever be cold enough to wear the Nordic-style Norwegian cardigan that I purchased - just as the thought of going out of the house without a hat, scarf and gloves would feel like an act of madness now in February. Anyway, the cardigan has given good service over the past few weeks in the cold winter weather, hence this blip.

As predicted, today I sent off another revised journal manuscript. It's the final (I hope!) version of the paper that I started writing on the train on 27th February last year.

In other news, I learnt the outcome of the two PhD studentship funding applications that I submitted in December. The good news is that one of them has been awarded. Interestingly it's the one that I finished in a rush overnight on 13th December and submitted just before the deadline the following day. Although it would have been nice to win two grants, I'm pleased with this outcome :-)

Meanwhile, at the other side of the world in Sydney, my niece Ailish met up with my first cousins Belinda and Edwina, and Belinda's two little boys (Ailish's second cousins), as can be seen in the extra.

Breast cancer diagnosis episode 2: I received a recall letter from the breast screening service following the analysis of the mammograms taken on 22nd January. The recall appointment is on 8th February.

Exercise today: aborted run (my right knee is unhappy); sit-ups weights and stretches; tiny step count (4,107).

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