Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A formal introduction to Oscar and Daisy

Last night we had a bit of a breakthrough. I took my duvet and made a bed for myself on the settee. I heard Oscar and Daisy eating some dried food. Then their little faces appeared around the end of the settee to find out what I was doing there.

After a cautious 20 minutes they started playing with one of the feather on a stick toys we have been given. I went to sleep, but had to retreat to my own bed because they were plodding around.

This morning, they both came straight out when I went in with breakfast. 

I have to move very, very slowly or they fly off behind the piano.

This photo was taken this evening when Mum and I were sitting and they came out. They just happened to sit together opposite me, as if to say, "let's get the formal portrait over with and then we can play"!

In other news, the Walking Festival bookings were so good that we can't believe it. Four walks are fully booked with waiting lists on two and other people disappointed they cannot book their chosen walks.

I took Freddy to see a physio at Hexham General. She was sure from the story that I would not have a subdeltoid bursa, because they are very rare.  She spent ages looking at the scan and came back to say that I do have such a thing. She was very thorough and Freddy is in a (painful) sulk at the moment. Exercises have been prescribed.

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