The Big Sycamore at Centre Furnace Mansion

I am a fan of big trees, and there are several of them around town that I visit regularly. This is a view of the big sycamore at Centre Furnace Mansion, which is located just off College Avenue. It's one of the oldest and tallest trees I know.

This photo was taken on a chilly March morning, with temperatures in the 20s. The sun was coming and going . . . mostly going. I bundled up in my coat and strolled around the grounds to check up on things. I am ever the curious sort, as you well know. :-)

I checked out the early flowers: the graceful curve of white snowdrops, yellow winter aconite, its blooms not yet open for the day. I listened for the cries of a hawk, but I heard none; spotted no thick bird-shapes against the changing sky.

But the masterpiece of the grounds at Centre Furnace Mansion is the sycamore you see in this picture. Standing on the hill behind the mansion, lifting its arms to the heavens, this tree was born sometime between 1736 and 1746.

When was the last time you greeted a big tree and thanked it? For that is what I did on this day. Good morning, big tree. Thank you for the shade and the beauty you've provided for all of these years. Grow well. And fare-thee-well until we meet again.

I wanted a song about time as my soundtrack song, so here is a favorite: Jim Croce, with Time in a Bottle. (P.S. You find some of the saddest stories on YouTube - get out a tissue and read the thread about a half-dozen comments down, under jimmark88. Hug those you care for, for life is such a short and precious thing, and love is the most important thing of all.)

Bonus: here are some additional Blip-shots of the Centre Furnace Mansion property. The first three also feature this tree.
Historic Centre Furnace Mansion
The Great Sycamore at Centre Furnace Mansion
The Great Sycamore, Under Blue February Skies
I Count Only Sunny Hours (featuring the Dancing Girls)
The Case of the Crying Hawk

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